Free Fresh Lemon PPT Template

Free Fresh Lemon PPT Template has green fresh lemon and green strip for title slide to write text. Green is the sign of freshness. This is a freshness and health themed slide. Tell people about the benefits of lemon and having good fresh diet by making a free PowerPoint presentation related to different tropical fruits.
“Health is wealth” is a famous saying. People who have fresh vegetables and fruits as part of an overall healthy diet are likely to have a reduced risk of some chronic diseases. It is a nutrition based slide to guide people about having good diet. Download Free Fresh Lemon PPT Template to make presentations based on diet, fresh vegetables and fruits for the latest and previous releases of Microsoft PowerPoint (2010, and 2013) along with Keynote on iOS. Find other fruits & drinks related backgrounds on PPT template, such as free Fresh Dessert PPT slides and Peach PowerPoint background.
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