Free Keyboard PPT Template

Free Keyboard PowerPoint template is a social networking theme. The keys on the keyboard are equipped to connect you with everyone you need in a nano-second. Log onto your favorite social networking websites and market your latest promotions, or send a newsletter to all those subscribers. Socialize with all your contacts with free backgrounds for PPT. Use this to promote an internet marketing or network marketing campaign and show how writing a blog or venturing on a lean startup can benefit a proprietary company.
Free Keyboard PPT slide design has a light and bright color combination. The light blue and green colors help build a positive impression, as it makes the idea appear fresh. The theme itself is available for download on the latest and previous releases of Microsoft PowerPoint (Mac and PC), along with OpenOffice Impress. Captivate the attention of colleagues or friends by telling them how easy it is to setup your very own social networking campaign with free LinkedIn PPT slides and Social Media PowerPoint theme.
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