Free Cloud Computing PPT Template

Free Cloud Computing PPT template helps describe an emerging computer science. The master slide shows services attached to the cloud, such as telecommunication, VOIP, smartphones, storage, and the internet itself. The inner slides of this free technology/internet template includes a SmartArt graphic, along with bulleted lists. Researchers and Computer Science majors may present their thesis or findings at a conference, and make a positive impression on the audience with free bold slides.
Explain the advantages of Cloud computing, in the form of Cloud Storage, such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, SkyDrive, and Amazon cloud storage. In addition to storage services, free software services are also offered, such as online PDF reader, PowerPoint Online, and online Antivirus, i.e. BitDefender. If your presentation is geared more towards the technical aspects, give a crash course and explain SaaS and SaaP with free Cloud Computing template for PowerPoint 2010 Mac and PC.
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